Page name: Pantheon 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-02-19 13:10:01
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back to the Powers of Old
back to the Pantheon, Pantheon 2

Faunus woke up and looked around. he had a terrible headache and left the Pantheon to get some fresh air.

Pomona apeared in a corner and looked around to see If anyone had taken any notice of her presence.

Bacchus awoke from a moment or more of relaxation. The Pantheon felt empty and boring. He had noticed humans coming and going in his sleep, and the gods playing their strange games. Then he felt the hinting presence of the goddess Aurora. She sat silent, as usual. He floated up to the roof of their palace and eyed the surroundings.
"Aurora! How is dawn breaking today? As beautiful as you always make it? Are there a smile on your face today?" he asked the goddess of dawn.
Bacchus noticed the hint of other divine powers and turned his head to see Pomona.
"And good day to you, dearest Pomona," he bowed with a smile.

Pomana lowered her ever ready basket of fruits and waving her hand gently she replied, "and good day to you dear Bacchus!"

"We had to wait long for your pleasant company, I'm glad you finally showed up." Bacchus said. "You know of the mortals little plans, or do you simply not care, like Aurora over here? I myself find the mortals amusing, in this long eternity we enjoy together."

"Oh well, I was on some bussiness far away. you know, I adore these mortals, how can they live without our aid? and still I'm truly glad I can be of some help to them, I'm only disapointed that fertility is the least I can give them poor things.." She said smiling sweetly.

"I my guess is that fertility might be the greatest gift for them. They live such rash lives, if they couldn't breed, their race would disappear. And so would our fun," he smiled.
"So my dear, any plans for this fresh day?"

Pomona clapped her hands two times and said, "Yes, Yes, I think I noticed a couple who have been wanting to have a child for a long time. I was nearly forgetting them. I may attend to them today. that would be a great start, wouldn't it?"

"With you, I'm sure it would." Bacchus answeared politely. "Shall we?" he offered her his arm.

Pomona smiled and took his arm softly. "You know I'm glad I'm back. I really missed this place and my dearest friends."

"Pomona, you are the sweetest of the gods. I will never know why they love bothering the mortals so much. I enjoy giving them laughter in their life. Well, sweet Pomona, to where should we travel? Where is this couple of yours?" Bacchus smiled openheartly, Pomona was a fair goddess. 

Trying hard not to blush, Pomona said, "Everyone has one's own attractions. Me and you enjoy making them happy. and that's what makes us happy. Um, I think we shoud head to Latium. That's where they live. Yes."

"Yes, we must make a good couple, I enjoy your company, dear Pomona. Off to the Latium it is then!" Though not needed, he took Pomona in his arms, twirled around, and Bacchus and Pomona left to the Latium.

Kaeso left the palace after Leonore, Kathryn and the Caesar.
When they were far enough away Caius began to tell Sarconia of Apollo's warning, still speaking in hushed tones. "While we were over eating our breakfeast Apollo spoke to me. For some unkown reason he warned me of Maelikith. He's onto us apparently and Apollo stressed that we're in great danger. Obviously we need to get this information to Lucius as soon as possible, but I thought I should warn you." He smiled at her, and looked over his shoulder to check up on the group, but there were missing. Eyes alight he swore aloud. "Exuse my language, but our company has gone missing, including that strange man Leonora was with and the Caesar... as much as I love the patheon, we should leave at once." He looked at her seriously, "You may stay if you like but I have to go warn Lucius and it would be smart to have someone keeping an eye on the Caesar." Caius disappeared to the Palace
" My dear Cupid. It has apparently been a busy morning. For i think that it is just us and maybe one or two others here now." Luna said then kissed him lightly on the nose.

Voluptas became frustrated. "I'M TIRED OF YOU PEOPLE ALWAYS IGNORING ME! HONESTLY, JUST BECAUSE I'M A LESSER GODDESS-" She took a deep breath.

" I am sorry my dear. We weren't ignoring you on purpose." Luna replied to Voluptas turning around in Cupids arms
Lucifer changes back into his god form and makes himself not visble to mortals. He walks over to his statue,a bit gloomy. He sits on the bench in front of the statue and stares at it hopelessly.
Seeing Lucifer sitting and staring at his statue with a glum look on, Aurora finds the time to speak with him. "You were up awfully early, my dear," She said softly, standing next to the bench.

Lucifer turns and gives Aurora a smile, "Yes...the gardens were especially beautiful this morning. Wonderful job on that, by the way. Have a seat, sweet." He patted the soft pad on the seat next to him.
Sarconia sighed and left the Pantheon, heading to the Palace.
Cupid laughed at the kiss and stuck his tongue out at Luna. "Yes my dear, I think more have arrived." He said.
Bellona watchs the whole scene unfold, just observing. Then bored out of her mind she draws her sword and begins practicing some deadly moves. They say rebellion is coming, War always comes after...
" Ah, you are back with me. I thought I had bored you." Luna said her back still turned to Cupid in the circle of his arms.

Cupid gasped, "How could you say such a thing Luna?!?" He asked, "I could never get bored with you!" He said.

" Very well. Just remember what you said in a millenia. Now... what shall we do with the rest of our day, my dear." Luna said turning so she faced Cupid.

"Hmmmm." Cupid thought aloud. "I dont know dear, what would you like to do?" He asked, playing with a strand of Lunas' hair.

"We could meddle in the love affairs of mortals. OR we could stay here... and i am sure we could think of something to occupy ourselves." Luna suggested then started playing with the back of Cupids neck.

Bellona lets out a loud obnoxious snort from her side of the room, hearing Luna and Cupid. "So pathetic, love." she snickers and practices another killing blow.

" Don't snort at love Bellona. Some wars were the product or lack thereof of wars." Luna said nonchalantly still waiting for Cupids suggestion about what they should do.

"Love-" Bellona said swinging the blade around."Is rather usless compared to battle- if you know what I mean."

"Bellona, I'm sure you could be a nice girl once you get the thick layer of 'mean' off you." Cupid said, laughing. "Well sweet Luna, we could go see whats going on in the palace, and possibly fool with the mortals there." He suggested.

"Not mean dear Cupid, just wise." she swung her sword around.

"Ah." Cupid remarked. "One persons mean is another persons wise. It just depends on who your asking." He said.

"Indeed." Bellona snapped, bringing the sword around at a faster and harder velocity.

Cupid chuckled. "Sweet Luna, lets go to the palace,love." He said to her.

" Just remember Bellona Love and war are intertwined, they can never be seperated. Yes the palace sounds fun." Luna put her arms around Cupids neck and waited for him to say his final say so that they could leave.

Cupid winked at Bellona and in a puff of red smoke, Cupid and Luna were gone from the Pantheon to the palace.

Bellona kept practicing, disgusted with Cupid.
Alexander Maximillius enters the pantheon A cloak covers his form from veiw, he looks like nothing more then a mere peasant or beggar, come here to ask the gods for mortal pleasures, and blessings. He moves with a limp to uphold the image. He shoots glances from behind the shadows of his hood. Its been awhile since he last came here to pray.
Venus popped in. .I need to relax. Revel in the worship which is my due.

Lucifer got up from his bench, seeing Venus. He smiled at her and walked out into his favorite garden. He spied a small shed and climbed up onto the roof, getting comfortable as the sun started to set. Beautiful...Just beautiful. For a moment, Lucifer wished he were mortal. So he could feel the love of another, feel the heat of the sun's rays. But he couldn't, no, he was far above any mortal. Too far above...

Caius arrived at the Pantheon looking slightly troubled. Even if he didn't come here often, it had a certian relaxing quality about it. He shut his eyes tightly, "Apollo... if you're there, or whomever is listening, please I have to ask you a question. It's about someone's safety."

Venus looked around, and realised she was the only one within hearing range. Making herself visible to Caius, she moved up next to him. "Yes? I believe you require some assistance?"
Sarconia walked up to the pantheon from the palace, looking around outside.Gods, I dont know what to do! she said to herself, walking inside, off to a side altar. She lit some insence and knelt.

Caius looked up only to be astonished to see the beautiful face of Venus. He knelt deepply and looked up pleadingly, "I suppose you can help me, as the goddess of love. I am concerned both for my brother's safety, whom I lvoe dearly and another who I think I am becoming quite fond of too. I don't know much about praying, but I know enough to know sometimes it helps." He looked at her again, this time a little sadly, "I understand if you don't understand or can't help..."

Lucifer sensed that Sarconia had entered the Pantheon and could hear her pray but noticed the tension in the prayers. He slid down from the roof and walked in behind her, keeping himself invisible to her eyes.

Venus smiled down at Caius. "You know enough to recognise who I am, but you don't know if I can help? Perhaps if you told the the problem...?
How upon the river Styx(pardon my French) can I become so invisible so quickly? Aurora thought, somewhat amused, but annoyed. She sat on her pillar once again, watching it all.

Caius smiled, "Perhaps you can after all, the lady I was talking about and I are involved in somewhat dangerous happenings, and I'm afraid my brother may accidentally get wrapped up in it as well. If the Caesar realises I am in this... group... then he may assume my brother is too and I fear for him. The lady is in the group with me as well and things have recently taken a turn for the worse."
Pomona and Bacchus appeared. "We have returned!" Bacchus stated to noone in particular. "Myself, and our gorgeous Pomona!" He smiled at her. "Here my darling." In a quick movement, a jar of wine appeared in his hand. He filled her a glas and handed it to her, and then filled one for himself.
"To us!" he said, raising his glas. "And to joy brought by and to humans."
Vicka entered the Pantheon.
In the middle of the great room, she knelt.
She stared towards the roof.
Dear gods.. and goddesses. I do not know to whom I should pray. I just hope someone is listening. I.. seek council. Advise. I do not know what I should do. How can I serve my case, the rebellion? And what about Venetor? What should I do, should I trust him, even though he's Ceasars servant? I.. I haven't been faithful to you. I haven't prayed as I should. But.. I still need you, at times like this. If you help me.. I, I will.. I will have to do something in return.
Pomona too raised her glass and said, "To Us!"

Bacchus smiled and lifted his cup to his mouth. He smelled the wine. "Ah.. superb.."
And took a sip. "This is the perfect wine to share with someone like you. I wouldn't drink it with anyone else.. " He looked in her eyes, smiled and took another sip of the wine.

Pomona giggled and took a sip from her glass and said, "You are so kind dear Bacchus.I had heard a lot about how good and pleasant you are but I never knew you were such great god!"

"Oh, I do my best, when I find a reason to do it. Some brings forth the best in me. But dear Pomona, even then I lack you compassion and beauty. So if one is to compliment on me, you should be worshipped for your qualities."
Bacchus replied.  

Pomona smiled and said, "Although most of these mortals praise beauty and compasion but more value owr qualities, and I dare say we all are very good with our jobs. You are the best with your work and that will make both of us as equal in being complimented."

"Well thank you Pomona, the fair and just." Bacchus smiled widely. The more he got to know Pomona, the more he liked her.
He sat still, drinking the wine slowly for a while. Then he asked: "Pomona dear? I think there is another good deed to do for today. The woman Leonor is in great danger. This, of course, she doesn't know. Should we step in darling?"

"well, I don't see why we shouldn't If there is anything we can do for her.", said Pomona in reply.

"The least we can do is let her know." Bacchus said. "Let us go. She deserves aid with this."
Bacchus left for the palace.
Pomona Fallower him to the palace

Bellona in mid swing stops and walks over to Vicka, invisible but listening to her prayer intently. What do you need for advice? Bellona asks in Vicka's mind.

"Oh!" Vicka uttered. I wonder.. should I trust Venetor? Does he really like me? And what can I do to help the rebellion? Can you..I am sorry. I should be modest. You are a great god, and I am unworthy. I think.. The last sentenec added itself. Vicka wasn't too sure in her belief. She hadn't seen the powers of gods and goddesses.

Venus looked troubled. "I suppose I could make sure that nothing bad comes of their love of you, but I'm afraid they may still be punished for their own actions." Kissing him on the cheek, she leaned close. "But remember, you have a goddess looking out for you. That's got to count for something, doesn't it?"

Sarconia finished her unanswered prayres and left the pantheon for the palace.

Lucifer got bored standing around, so he left for the colosseum.
Caius looked up at Venus, Thank you, thank you very much for everything He sighed and started to get up when Kaeso ran in to him.

"Caius! Caius! There's been an emergancy!" He yelled, running up to him, panting.

"An emergancy, what, what??"

"Apparently, Leonor let out some of Ikilios' prisioners, Lucius arrested her and she's in the Colosseum prisions now." He said. Caius' mind ran, this had to be the work of Lucius for the plan of course... things were already being set into action. He nodded at Kaeso

"Alright alright... I need to go talk to Lucius... and Ikilios probably. This isn't good, Kaeso, you stay out of the way, go back to the kitchens or something." He said, shaking Kaeso off and leaving for the palace.

Once Caius had left, Kaeso thought carefully and instead of following his brother's suggestion, headed to the colosseum.

Venus sighed aloud. Is it just me, or are mortals beginning to cause as much trouble as the gods?
Aurora faded away, joining the more powerful gods on mount Olympus.(leave me alone.)
Voluptas watches as Bellona talks with Vicka. Bellona, what are you going to do to that poor girl?

Hey knock it off Voluptas! She needs help. Maybe you can help her with the whole likeing and trusting bought. Belllona mindspeaks to Voluptas. Then to Vicka she says, "Well, where do your loyaltys lie?" and appears in human form beside her.

Lucifer appears from mid air in his god form next to Bellona. He smiles at her and looks around at Vicka, Voluptas, and Venus.

Vicka jumped up. "Oh!" Her eyes widened seeing the goddess. "Are you a goddess! You must be, of course. My loyalty.. I.. I am not sure anymore. I thought it to lie with Lucius. The rebellion. I think it still does, but.." She looked at the ground. What was she aksing for? The gods to tell her what to do? She acted as a child!

Vesta appeared in the centre of the room and smiled to all those who had noticed. With a sigh she turned her attention back to the land of mortals, there was always someone wanting her to bless their new home...

Venus looked lazily at Lucifer, finally acknowledging my arrival. "Good to see you again."

Vesta noted with slight annoyance that no one ever seemed to talk to her or even notice her appearance but the forgot about it as another mortal cried out for protection of their home.

"What's the matter Vesta?" asks Voluptas. "Feeling left out? Join the club!"

Lucifer snorted in laughter, throwing an arm around Vesta and another around Voluptas, "Club schmub! Your both 'blessed with godhood'! Ya hear those voices running through your heads? Those are the mortals begging for your assistance! " he unwraps his arms around them and claps his hands together in false passion for what hes saying. He laughs and takes a seat against a pillar. "Being ignored is one of those things us," he smirked at Venus, "lesser gods have to deal with."

"Uhm.. high one, or.. What should I call you.." Vicka mumbled. "Well, are there nothing I can do to assist the rebellion? Is there no use for me? Please, tell me if there is anything I can do.." She looked up at the goddess.

Vesta flapped a hand at Lucifer not unamused. "The mortals need us, it is our role in life to help them. Am I not the protector of the hearth and home? I will do my job properly, despite the constant nattering in my head." She turned to Vicka and smiled, "who wants to help this one then? AS you can see my handa are tied and theres some vestal virgins somewhere wanting my attention."

Venus smirked at Lucifer. "As you are one of the lesser gods, I should think you would show a little respect for those above yourself? You, my love, are not one who would be amused if, say, your charm were to vanish? As the goddess of love, i belive it's within my rights to take away what has been granted. " Turning to Vesta, she shrugged. "I don't see how my power can be of help in this situation."

"Your loyalty lies with Lucius...yet..." Bellona muses. "Does it still lie with him?"
Lucifer's smile faded quickly at Venus' comment."My...My...My charm?" he stutters and flips the mood quickly, flicking a hair out of his eyes smoothly."Didn't know I had any." he winked at her and turned to watch Rome from his seat against the pillar.

Venus indulged herself in a childish game. "Yes, your charm. The reason so many women, mortals and goddesses alike, flock to you."

Lucifer let out a roar of laughter, stopping after a minute for a breath of air."Oh yes, look at them FLOCK!" he spreads his arms out int he empty air around him and laughs again. "I'm like a pretty bird that ALLLLL the women want to pet and preen." he giggled again giddily.

Vesta smirked at Lucifer and patted him on the cheek "You'll always have us my pet..."

The goddess' question starteled Vicka. Her thoughts started racing, to come up with good reasons to support the rebellion. But what good would it do her? Oh, she shouldn't think of herself.. But wasn't she the most important person in her own life? She had only her self to rely on. She was alone. And hated it. "I am no longer certain. I have failed my cause. And do not know what to do. Great goddess, if the rebell is a success, will then Lucius take over? And he, will he really serve Rome? Or will his growing power make it worse for the people? Even though you do not know the future, what is Lucius intentions?" A flow of questions stumbeled out of her. Questions she had hid in her mind for a long time.

Vesta looked around to see her fellow gods trying to look anywhere but at her or at Vicka, She sighed and motioned for her to come forward. "Patience is the key, the future alters at her own will." She motioned to where Bellona stood "If you seek answers then ask the one who questions you."

Bellona sighs. "I have never had the oppurtinity to meet Lucius. But I will now. Just wait dear, and I'll be back." Bellona shakes her head. Since when have I been so caring? She disappears in a flash of light to the palace.

Venus grinned. "Yes, you've always had us. And any other female you've tried for. And many you haven't! You can't say you've ever gone wanting when it comes for women."

Lucifer thinks for a moment, nibbling his lip slightly. "Well there was that one...wait no.....well she!! All I need is you guys!" he grabs Vesta and hugs her tight into him and then does the same to Venus.

Just wait? And do nothing.. Vicka thought. But I should be grateful. I never thought it to be so easy. I reckoned I had to sacrifice some animals or something to get help. Not just ask. I better start showing some more respect. Pray or something. I have to. Getting all this help and all.. But there was also someone saying.. I am to aks the one who questions me. Well, that is an answear I would have expected.. Something I do not understand. It isn't that strange though. Ask the one.. But I have to wait.
please continue at the Pantheon 4

back to the Colosseum, Colosseum 2
back to Latium, Latium 2
back to Ikilios' Palace, Ikilios' Palace 2, Ikilios' Palace 3
back to Rome

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2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: yay first comment... where are leonor and Ikilios adn i

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: lost in space

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: so what should we do... should we say we went to the palace instead?

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: well, we're already at the palace now, thanks to cooki...hehe, sorry bout leavin us in space yesterday

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: cheese man !

2004-02-10 [ShiftySkillet]: ...

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: hai tazz

2004-02-10 [ShiftySkillet]: hewo

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: how bez u

2004-02-10 [ShiftySkillet]: eating ^_^

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: is it yummy?

2004-02-10 [ShiftySkillet]: YUP!

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: what did u eat?

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: d@mnit, i gotta go eat. ill brb

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: eat yummy stuff!

2004-02-11 [ShiftySkillet]: lol everyones eating..

2004-02-11 [Gunslinger]: Good evening fellow writers, if any out there are still awake.

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: i am....not for long

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: lol im here

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: *glomps tazz!!*

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: AGH...*ish glomped..*

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: :D hiya!

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: :D...our school had a bomb threat today ^_^;;

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: hahaah thats funny. i played hookey today heheh! :D

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: oooo fun fun....we all evacuated to the cute all boys school...they were like..."OMG GIRLS...OMG HI...CAN I LOVE YOU UP..."

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: hahahah

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: and we were all in our gym uniforms...meaning a little bitty jog-bra and little bitty shorts....

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: so that ends with us going, "COME HERE, I NEED YOUR WARMTH...GIVE ME YOUR PANTS...."

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: lmao

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: and some dudes came over and snuggled us to keep us was cccccooooooooooooooool

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: hahah thats freakin really funny!! were they hott??

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SO HOTT...

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: *giggles* did you get their numbers?

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: yup, sure did! lol fun fun

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: :D lmao yes good times

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: yes sure are...ahhhhhhhh i found a bug..

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: i call post after spitfire


2004-02-12 [§pitfire]: hehehe. fun day!!!

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: yesh yesh

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: *giggles*

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: awwwwwww caius that was sad!!

2004-02-12 [thestranger]: haha he's getting sentemental

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: uh oh! teary!!!

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: i hope lucifer gets.. i mean DOESNT get dirty with me... ;)

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: ooooooooooo

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: off to bed...NIGHT NIGHT

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: night night :D i gotta get off too BYEBYES

2004-02-12 [~The Virus~]: aw, I have to go soon

2004-02-12 [~The Virus~]: got homework to do.. always homework,*sigh*

2004-02-12 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: No Problemo, we'll continue later on :)

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: SARCONIA NEEDS TO WAKE UP! lol...

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: IM AWAKE!!!

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: YAY!

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: :P

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: XD I FOUND MY CLIP ON TAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: OMG!!!

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: YEAH! IT ROCKS!

2004-02-13 [Pnelma Tirian]: goodbye.

2004-02-16 [§pitfire]: hehee. for those in doubt, yes that IS a threat!

2004-02-16 [ShiftySkillet]: *hides in terror, lucifer trembling behind her*

2004-02-19 [~The Virus~]: we need a new page, yes?

2004-02-19 [ShiftySkillet]: *shrugs* those little messages are such BS...

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